来嘉敏,女,博士,中共党员。2023年6月毕业于中国科学院半导体研究所,攻读凝聚态物理专业,获理学博士学位,同年入职565net必赢客户端材料科学研究院。主要从事低维半导体材料中电子-声子相互作用以及二维磁性材料的磁光光谱研究。目前以第一作者或共同一作身份在NanoLetters,NanoResearch,Physical Review B等期刊发表SCI学术论文数篇。
(1)J.-M. Lai, Y.-J. Sun, Q.-H. Tan, P.-H. Tan, and J. Zhang, Laser Cooling of a Lattice Vibration in van der Waals Semiconductor. Nano Lett., 2022,22(17): 7129.
(2)J.-M. Lai, M.U. Farooq, Y.-J. Sun, P.-H. Tan, and J. Zhang, Multiphonon Process in Mn-Doped ZnO Nanowires. Nano Lett., 2022, 22(13): 5385-91.
(3)J.-M. Lai, Y.-R. Xie, J. Zhang, Detection of Electron-Phonon Coupling in Two Dimensional Materials by Light Scattering. Nano Res., 2021, 14(6): 1711-33.
(4) Y.-F. Gao#,J.-M. Lai#, Jun Zhang, Phonon-assisted upconversion photoluminescence of quantum emitters. J. Semicond., 2023, 44(4): 041301.
(5)K.-X. Xu#,J.-M. Lai#, Y.-F. Gao, F.-L. Song, Y.-J. Sun, P.-H. Tan, J. Zhang, High-order Raman scattering mediated by self-trapped exciton in halide double perovskite. Phys. Rev. B, 2022, 106(8): 085205.
(6) Q.-H. Tan#,J.-M. Lai#, X.-L. Liu, D. Guo, Y. Xue, X. Dou, B.-Q. Sun, H.-X. Deng, P.-H. Tan, I. Aharonovich, W.B. Gao, and J. Zhang, Donor-Acceptor Pair Quantum Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride. Nano Lett., 2022, 22(3): 1331-7.
(7) Z. Li,J.-M. Lai*, and J. Zhang*, Review of phonons in moiré superlattices. J. Semicond., 2023, 44(1): 011902.
(8) Q.-H. Tan#, Y.-M. Li#,J.-M. Lai, Y.-J. Sun, Z. Zhang, F.L. Song, R. Cedric, M. Xavier, W.B. Gao, P.-H. Tan, and J. Zhang, Quantum Interference between Dark excitons and Zone-edged Acoustic Phonons in Few-layer WS2. Nature Commun., 2023, 14: 88.
(9) Z. Li, H. Chang,J.-M. Lai, F. Song, Q. Yao, H. Liu, H. Ni, Z. Niu, J. Zhang, Terahertz phononic crystal in plasmonic nanocavity, J. Semicond., 2023, 44(8): 082901.
(10) Y.-F. Gao,J.-M. Lai, and J. Zhang, Optical Control of Bulk Phonon Modes in Crystalline Solids. Adv. Quantum Technol., 2022, 5(2): 2100103.
(11) Y.-F. Gao,J.-M. Lai, Y.-J. Sun, X.-L. Liu, C.-N. Lin, P.-H. Tan, C.-X. Shan, and J. Zhang, Charge State Manipulation of NV Centers in Diamond under Phonon-Assisted Anti-Stokes Excitation of NV0. ACS Photonics, 2022, 9(5): 1605-1613.
(12) Y.-J. Sun,J.-M. Lai, S.-M. Pang, X.-L. Liu, P.-H. Tan, and J. Zhang, Magneto-Raman Study of Magnon-Phonon Coupling in Two-Dimensional Ising Antiferromagnetic FePS3. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2022, 13(6): 1533-1539.
(13) H. Chang, Z. Li, W. Lou, Q. Yao,J.-M. Lai, B. Liu, H. Ni, Z. Niu, K. Chang, and J. Zhang, Terahertz cavity optomechanics using a topological nanophononic superlattice. Nanoscale, 2022, 14(36): 13046-13052.