王艳鑫,女,博士,山西省广灵县人,2016年7月于石河子大学获得硕士学位,2020年7月于南开大学获得博士学位,同年进入565net必赢客户端任教。主要从事计算多相催化方面的研究,在ACS Catalysis、Catalysis Science Technology、The Journal of Physical Chemistry C、Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics等期刊上发表学术论文十余篇。
[1] Wang, Y. X.; Zhang, H. L.; An, P.; Wu H. S.; Jia, J. F.Effect ofpotassium on methanol steam reforming on the Cu(111) and Cu(110) surfaces: a DFT study.J. Phys. Chem. C2021, 125,20905−20918.
[2] Wang, Y. X.; Wang, G. C. A systematic theoretical study of water gas shift reaction on Cu(111) and Cu(110): potassium effect.ACS Catal.2019,9, 2261−2274.
[3] Wang, Y. X.; Wang G-C. A systematic theoretical study of water gas shift reaction on Pt/ZrO2 interface and Pt(111) face: key role of potassium additive.Catal. Sci. Technol.2020,10, 876-892.
[4] Wang, Y. X.; Wang, G. C. Water dissociation on clean and potassium pre-adsorbed transition metals: a systematic theoretical study.J. Phys. Chem. C2018,122, 15474−15484.
[5] Wang, Y. X.; Wang, G. C. Water dissociation on K2O-pre-adsorbed transition metals: a systematic theoretical study.Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.2018,20, 19850−19859.
[6] Wang, Y. X.; Gao, H. W. Influence of a ZrO2support and its surface structures on the stability and nucleation of Ptn(n = 1-5) clusters: a density functional theory study.J. Phys. Chem. B2017,121, 2132−2141.
[7] Wang, Y. X.; Gao, H. W. Mechanism of CO2reforming of CH4on a Pt4/ZrO2(101) surface: a density functional theory study.J. Phys. Chem. B2017,121, 5238−5246.
[8] Wang, Y. X.; Su, Y.; Zhu, M, Y.; Kang, L. H. Mechanism of CO methanation on the Ni4/γ-Al2O3, and Ni3Fe/γ-Al2O3catalysts: a density functional theory study.Int. J. Hydrogen Energ.2015,40, 8864-8876.
[9] Wang, Y. X.; Su, Y.; Zhu, M, Y.; Kang, L. H. Ni cluster nucleation and growth on the anatase TiO2(101) surface: a density functional theory study.RSC Adv.2015,5, 16582−16591.
[10] Wang, Y. X.; Su, Y.; Kang L. H. Stability and nucleation of Irn(n = 1–5) clusters on different γ-Al2O3surfaces: a density functional theory study.Phys. Lett. A2016,380, 718-725.
[11] Liu, Z. Z; Wang, Y. X.; Gao, H. W. Adsorption properties of NO molecules on thehexagonal LaCoO3(001) surface: a density functional theory study. RSC Adv. 2017, 7, 34714–34721.
[12]王艳鑫,施申全,王贵昌。甲醇在石墨烯负载Pt团簇表面吸附性能的密度泛函理论研究[J]。信阳师范学院学报(自然科学版), 2017(4)。