李小龙,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,中共党员。2019年6月毕业于湖南师范大学材物理与电子科学学院,物理学专业,获得理学博士学位。同年7月就职于565net必赢客户端材料科学研究院,担任本科和研究生《材料物理化学》课程的教学工作。主要从事纳米材料和多功能复合材料的可控制备、性能调控及其应用的相关工作研究;多功能纳米材料是基于具备光、磁、热性能材料组合而成的复合纳米晶,在催化、传感、成像和治疗等方面都有潜在的应用价值,近年来尤其基于磁性、二维等材料所构建的多功能复合材料在催化固能、肿瘤成像和治疗等领域已经成为研究热点。目前在Theranostics,Chem. Mater.,Nanoscale,Biomaterials,Mater. Sci. & Eng. C等权威期刊发表SCI学术论文十余篇。主持国家自然科学基金项目、山西省应用基础研究计划(已结题)、山西省优秀博士科研启动基金项目、565net必赢客户端博士科研启动基金项目各一项。
[1]Xiaolong Li,Mingyang Jiang, Songjun Zeng*, Hongrong Liu*, Polydopamine coated multifunctional lanthanide theranostic agent for abnormal vessel detection and tumor vascular imaging beyond 1500 nm and imaging-guided photothermal therapy,Theranostics,2019, 9, 3866-3878.
[2]Hui Li‡, Xin Wang‡,Xiaolong Li‡, Songjun Zeng,* Guanying Chen*, Clearable Shortwave-Infrared-Emitting NaErF4Nanoparticles for Noninvasive Dynamic Vascular Imaging,Chemistry ofMaterials,2020, 32, 3365-3375.(共同一作)
[3]Xiaolong Li, Yaru Pei, Ruimei Liang, Chao Qian and Jinzeng Wang, Tunable multicolor and bright white emission in PEG modified β-NaGdF4nanocrystals by systematic introduction of Ce3+and Mn2+/Ln3+,RSC Advances, 2022, 12, 7883-7891.
[4]Xiaolong Li, Mingyang Jiang, Youbin Li, Zhenluan Xue, Songjun Zeng, Hongrong Liu, 808 nm laser-triggered NIR-II emissive rare-earth nanoprobes for small tumor detection and blood vessel imaging,Materials Science and Engineering C, 2019, 100, 260-268.
[5]Xiaolong Li,Zhenluan Xue, Mingyang Jiang, Youbin Li, Songjun Zeng,Hongrong Liu. Soft X-ray activated NaYF4: Gd/Tb scintillating nanorods forin vivodual-modal X-ray/ X-ray induced optical bioimaging,Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 342-350.
[6]Xiaolong Li, Zhigao Yi, Zhenluan Xue, Songjun Zeng, Hongrong Liu, Multifunctional BaYbF5:Gd/Er upconversion nanoparticles forin vivotri-modal upconversion optical, X-ray computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging,Materials Science and Engineering C, 2017, 75, 510-516.
[7]Xiaolong Li, Zhenluan Xue, Hongrong Liu, Hydro-thermal synthesis of PEGylated Mn2+dopant controlled NaYF4:Yb/Er up-conversion nano-particles for multi-color tuning, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 681, 379-383.
[8]Zhigao Yi,‡Xiaolong Li,‡ Wei Lu, Hongrong Liu, Songjun Zeng, Jianhua Hao, Hybrid lanthanide nanoparticles as a new class of binary contrast agents forin vivoT1/T2dual-weighted MRI and synergistic tumor diagnosis,Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2016, 4, 2715-2722.(共同一作)