彭江,博士,副教授, 硕士生导师。2012年毕业于吉林大学,获得了工学学士学位(化学工程与工艺);于2015年在吉林大学获得了理学硕士学位(有机化学,有机光电材料),并在同一年加入了富士康华南检测中心,专注于防水、防污和抗蓝光材料的研发工作。2020年取得吉林大学理学博士学位(有机化学,功能有机材料),并于同年9月加入了565net必赢客户端任教。主要研究方向:1)柔性磷光/荧光有机分子晶体的制备及其波导和变色性能研究。2)柔性磷光/荧光有机分子晶体光致动性质研究。在Angewandte International Edition Chemie, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Chemistry-A European Journal, Chemistry-An Asian Journal, Dyes and Pigments, Crystal Growth & Design, CrystEngComm等期刊发表多篇SCI论文,担任一作或通讯作者。目前主持山西省青年基金1项。实验室:北区2号楼A808。联系方式:464831869@qq.com。期望学生具备强大的心理素质,能吃苦和勤思考。
1.Jiang Peng*(一作及通讯), Jing Yang.“A flexible organic single crystal with room temperature phosphorescent waveguide and piezochromism properties ”Dyes and Pigments, 2024,222, 111899.
2.Chuchu Han, Jiang Peng*(通讯).“Dual control of passive light output direction by light and mechanical forces in elastic crystals”CrystEngComm, 2024, DOI: org/10.1039/d3ce01021j.
3.Jiang Peng*(一作及通讯),Chuchu Han.“Mechanical effects of elastic crystals driven by natural sunlight and force”Angewandte International Edition Chemie, 2023, 62, e202311348.
4.Jiang Peng*(一作及通讯).“Flexible organic single crystal with elastic bending and plastic twisting capabilities”Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2022, 41, 2212004-2212006.
5.Jiang Peng*(一作及通讯),Chuchu Han.“Organic single crystal/polymer hybrid actuator with waveguide, low temperature, and humidity actuation properties”Crystal Growth & Design, 2022,22,7187-7194.
6.Jiang Peng*(一作及通讯),Chuchu Han. “An elastic organic single crystal with bending and high pressure-inducedfluorochromism properties”Dyes and Pigments, 2022,205, 110572.
7.Jiang Peng*(一作及通讯).“Elastic organic crystals based on barbituric derivative: multi-faceted bending and flexible optical waveguide”Chemistry-A European Journal, 2021, 27, 16036-16042.
8.Jiang Peng(一作).“Spatial photocontrol of the passive optical output direction of the elastic molecular crystals based on acylhydrazone derivatives”Dyes and Pigments, 2021, 194, 109529.
9.Jiang Peng(一作).“The photomechanic effects of the molecular crystals based on 5-chloro-2-(naphthalenylvinyl)benzoxazols fueled by topo-photochemical reactions”Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7, 5433-5441.