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发布日期:2015-10-22    作者:     来源:     点击:


[1]S.-L. Li,F.-Q. Zhang,*X.-M. Zhang.*An organic-ligand-free thermochromic luminescent cuprous iodide trinuclar cluster: evidence for cluster centered emission and configuration distortion with temperature.Chem.Commun.2015,51,8062-8065.

[2]F.-Q. Zhang, X.-M. Zhang,* R.-Q. Fang, H.-S. Wu. P6Mo18O73heteropolyanion and its four-copper complex: theoretical and experimental investigation.Dalton. Trans.2010,39, 8256-8260.

[3]F.-Q. Zhang, W. Guan, L.-K. Yan, Y.-T. Zhang, M.-T. Xu*, Ebenezer Hayfron-Benjamin, Zhong-Min Su.* On the origin of the relative stability of Wells-Dawson isomers: A DFT study of α, β, γ, α*, β*, and γ* [(PO4)2W18O54]6–anions.Inorg. Chem.201150(11),4967-4977.

[4]F.-Q. Zhang, W. Guan, Y.-T. Zhang, M.-T. Xu,* J. Li, Z.-M. Su.* On the origin of the inverted stability order of the reverse-Keggin [(MnO4)(CH3)12Sb12O24]6−: A DFT study of α, β, γ, δ, and ε isomers.Inorg. Chem.2010,49 (12), 5472-5481.

[5]F.-Q. Zhang, X.-M. Zhang, H.-S. Wu*, H. Jiao. Structural and electronic properties of hetero-transition-metal Keggin anions: A DFT study of α/β-[XW12O40]n-(X = CrVI, VV, TiIV, FeIII, CoIII, NiIII, CoII, and ZnII) relative stability.J. Phys. Chem. A2007,111(1), 159-166.


