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发布日期:2021-11-01    作者:     来源:     点击:

郝朋飞,博士,教授,硕士生导师,2015年1月毕业于北京理工大学获得博士学位,同年4月进入565net必赢客户端任教至今。目前主要从事有机-无机杂化智能变色材料、阳离子型缺电子环番等方面的研究工作,主持山西省基础研究计划项目(面上项目)1项、山西省应用基础研究计划项目(面上项目)1项、山西省应用基础研究项目(青年项目)1项和山西省高等学校科技创新项目1项,以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Inorganic Chemistry(补充封面文章)、Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers、Crystal Growth & Design、Dalton TransactionsDyes and PigmentsCrystEngComm等期刊上发表关于有机-无机杂化物光致变色性能方面的学术研究论文20余篇,授权国家发明专利5项。连续三年(2020、2021和2022年)荣获565net必赢客户端“优秀学位论文指导教师”荣誉称号。指导本科生荣获山西省第十七届“兴晋挑战杯”大学生课外学术作品竞赛二等奖。












[1]Shimin Zhang, Weiyu Yu, Pengfei Hao,* Gaopeng Li, Junju Shen, Yunlong Fu.* The Modulation Effect of Auxiliary Ligands on Photochromic Properties of 3D Naphthalene Diimide Coordination Polymers. Dalton Transactions, 2023, 52(2), 360−365.

[2]Pengfei Hao,* Bohong Gao, Gaopeng Li, Junju Shen, Yunlong Fu.* Ultrafast Visible-Light Photochromic Properties of Naphthalenediimide-Based Coordination Polymers for the Visual Detection/Filtration of Blue Light. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2022, 9(12), 2852−2861.

[3]Pengfei Hao,* Xing Liu, Chunyu Guo, Guozheng Zhao, Gaopeng Li, Junju Shen, Yunlong Fu.* Lattice Solvent Controlled Photochromism of Tripyridyl-Triazine-Based Zinc Bromide Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2022, 9(5), 879−888.

[4]郝朋飞,* 刘兴,付云龙.* 金属调控的2,4,6⁃三(2⁃吡啶基)⁃1,3,5⁃三嗪基配合物的光致变色性能. 无机化学学报(Chinese Journalof Inorganic Chemistry),202238(2), 198−210.

[5]Gaopeng Li, Huihui Zhu, Pengfei Hao,* Junju Shen, Yunlong Fu.* The Modulation Effect of Carboxylic Acid Ligands on the Electron Transfer Photochromism of Naphthalene Diimide-Derived Coordination Polymers. Dalton Transactions, 2021, 50(42), 15153−15161.

[6]Bohong Gao, Pengfei Hao,* Gaopeng Li, Junju Shen, Yunlong Fu.* An Electron-Deficient Naphthalene Diimide-Based Metal-Organic Framework for Detecting Electron-Rich Molecules through Photo-/Chemo-Induced Chromism. Dalton Transactions, 2021, 50(39), 13993−14000.

[7]Huihui Zhu, Pengfei Hao,* Qiu Shen, Junju Shen, Gaopeng Li, Guozheng Zhao,* Yunlong Fu.* The Modulation Effect of Electron-Rich Solvents on the Supramolecular Networks and Photochromic Properties of Naphthalene Diimide Molecules. CrystEngComm, 2021, 23(18), 3356−3363.

[8]Pengfei Hao,* Yi Xu, Junju Shen, Yunlong Fu.* Effect of Positional Isomerism on Electron-Transfer Photochromism and Photoluminescence of Two Pyromellitic Diimide-Based Organic Molecules. Dyes and Pigments, 2021, 186, 108941.

[9]Pengfei Hao,* Yi Xu, Xia Li, Junju Shen, Yunlong Fu.* Photochromism and Photocatalysis of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Iodoargentates Modulated by Argentophilic Interactions. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2020, 7(17), 3184−3194.

[10]Pengfei Hao,* Weipin Wang, Junju Shen, Yunlong Fu.* Photochromic and Luminescent Switchable Iodoargentate Hybrids Directed by Solvated Lanthanide Cations. Dalton Transactions, 2020, 49(26), 8883−8890.

[11]Pengfei Hao,* Huihui Zhu, Yue Pang, Junju Shen, Yunlong Fu.* The Impact of Positional Isomerism on Electronic and Photochromic Properties of 1-D Zinc-Based Naphthalene Diimide Coordination Polymers. CrystEngComm, 2020, 22(19), 3371−3377.

[12]Pengfei Hao,* Weipin Wang, Junju Shen, Yunlong Fu.* Non-Transient Thermo-/Photochromism of Iodobismuthate Hybrids Directed by Solvated Metal Cations. Dalton Transactions, 2020, 49(6), 1847−1853.

[13]Pengfei Hao,* Huihui Zhu, Yue Pang, Junju Shen, Yunlong Fu.* Positional Isomerism Controlled Electronic and Photochromic Properties of Naphthalene Diimide-Based Chlorozincate Hybrids. Crystal Growth & Design, 2020, 20(1), 345−351.

[14]Pengfei Hao,*, # Chunyu Guo,# Junju Shen, Yunlong Fu.* A Novel Photochromic Hybrid Containing Trinuclear[Cd3Cl12]6− Clusters and Protonated Tripyridyltriazines. Dalton Transactions, 2019, 48(44), 16497−16501.

[15]Pengfei Hao,* Chunyu Guo, Meidan Wang, Junju Shen, Yunlong Fu.* Lattice Water Controlled Photo- and Thermochromism of N-Protonated Carbomethoxypyridinium Iodoargentate Hybrids. Inorganic Chemistry, 2019, 58(5), 3364−3373.

[16]Pengfei Hao, Weipin Wang, Lifang Zhang, Junju Shen, Yunlong Fu.* Metal-dependent Electronic and Photochromic Behaviors of Dimethylbenzotriazolium Iodometallate Hybrids. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 6(1), 287−292.

[17]Shulin Lin, Pengfei Hao,* Junju Shen, Yunlong Fu.* Hierarchically Responsive and Photochromic Imidazopyridazinium Iodoargentate Hybrid Materials. Dyes and Pigments, 2018, 159, 457−463.

[18]Xia Li, Pengfei Hao,* Junju Shen, Yunlong Fu.* Two Photochromic Iodoargentate Hybrids with Adjustable Photoresponsive Mechanism. Dalton Transactions, 2018, 47(17), 6031−6035.

[19]Pengfei Hao, Lifang Zhang, Junju Shen, Yunlong Fu.* Structural and Photochromic Modulation of Dimethylbenzotriazolium Iodoargentate Hybrid Materials. Dyes and Pigments, 2018, 153, 284−290.

[20]Meidan Wang, Pengfei Hao,* Junju Shen, Yunlong Fu.* Structure-Dependent Photochromic Iodoargentate Hybrids Based on Photolytic Mechanism, ChemistrySelect, 2018, 3(16), 4217−4221.

[21]Pengfei Hao, Huihui Li, Tanlai Yu, Yunlong Fu.* Pyrazinium Iodoargentate with Versatile Photo- and Thermo-Chromism. Dyes and Pigments, 2017, 136, 825−829.

[22]Pengfei Hao, Yanrong Qiao, Tanlai Yu, Junju Shen, Fang Liu, Yunlong Fu.* Three Iodocuprate Hybrids Symmetrically Modulated by Positional Isomers and the Chiral Conformation of N-Benzyl-Methylpyridinium. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(58), 53566−53572.

[23]Pengfei Hao, Yanrong Qiao, Tanlai Yu, Junju Shen, Dongting Dai, Yunlong Fu.* Spontaneous Chiral Resolution and Hierarchical Directing Effects of Two-Winged Propeller-Like SDAs on the Construction of Noncentrosymmetric Iodoargentates/Iodocuprates. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(90), 87628−87636.



[2]郝朋飞,付云龙,苯二酰亚胺基镉配位聚合物及其制备方法及应用,2022.07.05,中国,ZL 202110148789.5.

[3]郝朋飞,付云龙,双甲基化-2苯基苯并咪唑碘银酸盐杂化物及制备与应用,2020.11.03,中国,ZL 201810070351.8.

[4]郝朋飞,付云龙,一种快速响应和多重颜色变化的碘银酸盐光致变色材料,2019.8.30,中国,ZL 201810070355.6.

[5]郝朋飞,付云龙,张莉芳,一种光致和热致双功能碘银酸盐变色材料及其制备方法,2018.1.19,中国,ZL 201610641321.9.


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